Touhou Game Jam hosting a special Pride-themed game creation competition for June
Touhou Jam Team Announces June-Pride themed Jam

The Touhou Fan Game Jam is a bi-yearly contest with the goal of creating Touhou fangames in under 72 hours. Participants either work on their own or find teams to make a game with, and at the end of the jam, the best games are voted on and declared the winners. The jam seeks to encourage Touhou fans of all skill levels to create their own Touhou fangames and get an audience for their work.
Since the first contest in 2018, the Touhou Fan Game Jam has grown considerably, with recent competitions averaging over 50 game submissions and over 1500 total ratings from players. A recent collaboration with Touhou Station last summer featured several submissions played live on their 25 Hour broadcast, with ZUN and BeatMARIO as guests.
This June, the game jam team is keeping up a yearly tradition of hosting a spinoff jam that celebrates both the LGBT diversity of the Touhou fandom’s community and the vast potential for WLW content in a series full of strong and well-characterized women: Touhou Pride Jam. The spinoff jam will have a different timespan than usual, lasting from June 1st to 15th, allowing for games with longer, more fleshed out stories, and will require all submitted games to have LGBT+ themes of some kind.
Anyone is welcome to join the official Discord server, which includes channels for finding teams, resources for creating games, and translators willing to help bridge the JP-ENG language gap. Additionally, the Touhou Game Jam Twitter will be active for announcements and info about this jam and upcoming jams, as well as sharing the games themselves with a wider audience.
Contributor: Brian Intile
Editor: *lux