Touhou Game Jam 2021 Start!!
Touhou Game Jam 2021

Touhou Game Jam Web Site
Touhou Game Jam Asset Packs 2021
Jam Schedule
JST: 2021.8.7(Sat.)00:00 – 8.13(Fri.)19:00
Theme announcement!
- Submitted games must be related to one of the themes provided.
Market (Buy/Sell):市場 (売ったり買ったり)
あつい(Atsui) has a few homophones with distinct definitions, 2 commonly used definitions are 熱い (hot) and 厚い (thick), for detailed, accurate definition please use this jisho page for reference:https://jisho.org/search/atsui
You may use any definitions extended from the verb うつる(Utsuru), including all possible homophones.
For full reference, please consult a dictionary.
Official Discord
We’ve made a new Discord server to ease communications this time!
The main purpose of this discord is to help you find teammates!
You’ll be able to self-assign roles that indicate your skills (programming, 2D art, 3D art, music, SFX, voice acting, writing, etc.), and share your work-in-progress with others!
You’ll also have access to Japanese-only, English-only, and Global channels depending on your preferences. Respective voice/video channels will be available too!
The server is made for players too! Devs will be able to see your feedback in real-time which can be very valuable, and we’d like you to be here enjoying the hype!
As the Discord server will be our main way of communication and support, though not required, we strongly recommend Jammers joining so you can get alerts about important updates and announcements with technical support.
※This server is only made for Touhou Game Jam event and will be archived after August 31st where the jam ends.
Click to Join Our Discord!
How to Submit
Go to Submission Website
Please make sure you check the regulations before you register your work.
How to Submit Your Game
① Please Click the Start Registration Button.
You may change the language through the dropdown menu on the top right.
② Please tell us about you or your team. For teams with multiple members, please add them to the game information later. Be sure to double-check your e-mail as we’ll send confirmation. Only * fields are required.
③ Next, please fill out the information about your game.
- Game Title*
- Participant(s)*
- Contact for Support Purposes* (crash reports/download problems/etc.)
- Theme (Select 1 of 4 provided themes)
- Any Jam Special Assets Used (Don’t check if none was used)
- General Category* (RPG, 2D/3D Action, Roguelike, etc.)
- Genre (Customized genre tags if you’d like to add more)
- Description for Game and Controls* (a short intro with basic controls)
- Presented Touhou Characters*
- Recommended System Requirement
- Required Runtime
- Game Engine/Editor
- Promotional Video URL
④ Next, please provide a your game, a banner image, and a few screenshots.
- For Mac/Linux support, if applicable, please include all the builds into one zip file and mark the corresponding platform in folder names.
Sample Banner and Screenshot
- Only 1 banner per submission
- Supported Formats: png, jpg
- Recommended Size: 400x400px
- 1-4 Screenshots. At least 1 screenshot is required.
- Supported Formats: png, jpg
- Recommended Size: 1280x720px
⑤ You have finished your registration with your game submitted! To edit your submission or submit another game, please access the same page and click the link for registered participants.
For more questions regarding terms and licenses of this pack, please contact us through the following methods:
Mail: touhou.garakuta@gmail.com
Twitter: @touhou_station