19 years after Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, secret codes for Touhou games are discovered
Secret codes for Touhou games discovered

An exciting discovery was recently made in nearly all Touhou Project games–the existence of secret codes that unlock all achievements.
new(?) Touhou goodies: i dug around in EoSD, PCB, and IN and discovered that all three of them have codes to instantly unlock everything. these don't seem to have been documented anywhere before pic.twitter.com/tIpcdWrhZN
— Advanced Persistent Tweets (@notrevenant) March 28, 2021
small update for EoSD: the code changed slightly between versions, so i edited the article to reflect both variations https://t.co/0nuGMZth3n pic.twitter.com/roVToOcYCu
— Advanced Persistent Tweets (@notrevenant) March 29, 2021
update 2: i've found 11 more Touhou unlock codes, this time in all of ZUN's games from TH10 through TH17 (except for Double Spoiler). can you guess the theme?
also added to the appropriate TCRF articles here: https://t.co/4OKr3mJ2b7
(and now to wait for TH18) pic.twitter.com/uTFgxwvr2p
— Advanced Persistent Tweets (@notrevenant) April 21, 2021
On March 28th, the codes were published on “The Cutting Room Floor” a website that documents hidden and cut content in video games. At that time, only codes for Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom and Imperishable Night had been discovered, but on April 21st, codes for nearly all of the remaining games were found and added to the list.
According to the above tweets by Revenant, who is an admin on The Cutting Room Floor, no other documentation of these codes has been found, suggesting that this is the first time they have been discovered.
Such a large discovery coming 19 years after the oldest game involved has created a stir in the Touhou community, and fans in Japan and abroad have rushed to try them out and test their legitimacy.
スペプラが見たことの無い画面に…… pic.twitter.com/Xcbvg2Sjm3— 晩のだいこんみそしる⚖️ (@miso_whiteR) April 21, 2021
“Confirmed that the unlock code for IN does work. When you enter it the extend sound plays, and on the main menu the extra start option is unlocked.
Look at this full spell card practice screen…”
Testing by our editorial department revealed that upon entering the codes, the extend sound effect will indeed play as the achievements are unlocked. It’s strange to see the clear count of one despite never having played on Lunatic before.

The codes for each game are listed below.
(Note that the codes including “Shift+Ctrl” should read “Shift or Ctrl” instead.)
よく今まで見つからなかったな pic.twitter.com/4kHAwbEi9h— 醤(ヒシオ) (@soysource651) April 21, 2021
“Here they are.
Crazy that no one found these until now.”
In the tweet containing codes for Mountain of Faith and on, the code for Wily Beast and weakest Creature was incorrect. It should read Youmu Otter, instead of Reimu Otter. (See the below tweet.)
small correction: the first code in WBaWC is for Youmu, not Reimu
(i was tired when typing these up, forgive me)
— Advanced Persistent Tweets (@notrevenant) April 21, 2021
Additionally, the unlock code for Phantasmagoria of Flower View has been discovered. (See the below tweet.)
FYI: I've checked TH09 as well, and it also has a code, although it's not related to beer: inputting "dddssssqrr" on the "Result" menu unlocks all characters and extra mode.
— Cyrus Vorazan (@CyrusWVorazan) April 21, 2021
Each and every one of the codes from Mountain of Faith onwards is related to beer.
Touhou certainly earns its reputation of being fueled by alcohol!
*Please use these codes at your own risk. We strongly recommend making a backup of your game data before trying them out.